Tel: 313 271-3110
Fax: 313 271-6711
Father Antonie at 586-453-2898
Divine Liturgy servcies begin at 10:30am on Sunday mornings last no longer than noon, except when there is a special service, which can happen several times throughout the year.
Most of our parishioners chose business casual. In respect for God, shorts and revealing clothing are discouraged.However what is most important to us is that, regardless of your wardrobe choices, you know that you are welcome in our church and you don’t miss the worship.
The Divine Liturgy is performed in English and (some portions) Church Slavonic. The other “private” services such as baptism, wedding, house blessings etc. can be done in the language of your choice (English, Church Slavonic) per discussion with the parish priest.
We are more than happy to have as many children as possible in our church. If the children don’t want to attend the Divine Liturgy, than we are happy to have them in the Sunday school classes. Our teachers are prepared to welcome them and teach them. We also have a crying room, upstairs next to the choir loft that allows parents with their babies to follow the Divine Liturgy.
All are welcome to attend and experience the beauty of the Divine Liturgy and hear the Word of God. Service books are provided for you in the pews to follow along with the liturgy.
We make an effort to welcome everyone to our church with a smile at the door. Service books are provided in the pews during the service. Please join us for coffee hour after the service in the church hall.
Copyright 2016 St Clement Church, Dearborn, MI. All Rights Reserved.